Monday, September 23, 2019

War and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

War and Technology - Essay Example During World War One, military officials realized the importance of having up to date weapons to win wars (Stewart 2001)2. During this period, armies used advanced weapons recognized as second generation warfare and realized that machinery and weapons are used to conquer and win battles and the only importance of military officials is limited to occupying the conquered areas. 1Harris, Brice F.  America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment. London: Routledge, 2009. Internet resource. 2Neil, Stewart.  The Changing Nature of Warfare, 1700-1945. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001. Print. During this period armies even realized the importance of transportation as these vehicles were used to transport men and machinery from one end to another. These improvements in technology clearly defined that to gain victory in war; you have to be sound technologically at both the operative and the tactical bases. The belief of technological soundness being the determinant o victory of war was clearly visible in different wars such as the Cold War and Current Wars that take place every now and then. Body After WWII, major nations throughout the earth started developing the technological side of their defense, they started developing and acquiring new kinds of air shuttles, sea transport and weapon, new form of larger missiles and bombs and machinery that is used while nation’s army is fighting in the land (Melko 2001)3. The continuous up gradation of the technological side led to the development of military aircrafts and air transports which had higher degree of accuracy and speed, researchers even developed new forms of surveillance systems to gain higher degree of accuracy during the process of acquiring information, for this purpose GPS systems came into existence. These developments in technological advancements were recognized as 3GW (Third Generation Warfare), these developments were utilized during the period of WWII and during Gulf War th at took place between Iraq and US and later even in different attacks conducted on Iraq starting from 2003 till present date. These wars clearly exhibited that those countries that were able to accept and create technological advancements are the victorious ones. 3Mathew, Melko.  General War Among Great Powers in World History. Lewiston, N.Y: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. Print. Advanced Technology in Operational Level While creating a strategy before going to war, both the tactical as well as the operational bases of the war are taken into consideration and special importance is given to the technological aspect of these two bases. According to Giulio Douhet, one of the best strategies implemented is the use of air power to destroy the opponent civil population’s willingness to fight (Douhet 2010)4. This strategy was implemented in different wars, for example: during the period of WWI, this strategy was implemented by the German strategists while attacking London and NATO forc es even used the same strategy while attacking Kosovo. This strategic move increases the accuracy at which the war targets are attacked, thus this strategy obtains the optimum result while keeping the collateral losses at the lower end. Advancement in technology has been accepted as morally correct as these advancements increases the probability of armies gaining the accurate intelligence about the legal targets that need to be

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