Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The problem of anti Americanism

Terrorism has always been a major issue in the world. Every country is trying to put some measures to stop the act of terrorism. There are some remedies that have been put in place to stop terrorism. The problem of anti Americanism is believed to be the cause of terrorism attacks. Introduction The problem of anti-Americanism is a very serious matter and it occurs because people try to be resistant or try to blame America for all its actions. People world over believe that every action Americans take is for the purpose of taking control of other countries for selfish gain and interests.The resistance takes place when non-Americans want to conserve their beliefs and national interests, and do not want to be influenced by the Americans. People put their blame on the Americans because they are jealous and do not want Americans to continue being prosperous (Hoffman, 1998). People should be accountable for inciting violence when they glorify violent acts against America but themselves do n ot engage in it in order to put a stop to terrorism.Such people invest a lot of money to destroy other people’s lives and in fact they should be more punished than the people who physically carry out the acts of terrorism. They are the people who do not want to stop terrorism. (Hoffman, 1998) There are various remedies that are available to the government to deal with schools, mosques, and charities that indirectly support terrorism while not actually engaging in it. There are some laws that have been enacted to counteract terrorism.The laws are divided into several categories like financial act laws, terrorism act laws, airport and transport act laws and the USA patriot act laws. The remedies should be death for those found guilty of terrorism including increased budgetary allocation to the Security budget that will help not only counter any acts of terror but gather intelligence that will help forestall any threat way before it happens (Hoffman 1998). Reference: Hoffman, Br uce (1998)†Inside Terrorism† Columbia University Press

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